South Africa Decides

South Africa is going to the polls today and the people are expecting change

By Kumbirai Mutengo

May 29, 2024

South Africa goes to the polls today on the 29th of May 2024 and election observers are already in the country

Gift Ostallos Siziba is one of the election observers from Zimbabwe who is from the opposition.While Taurai Kandishaya from ZANU PF is currently in South Africa in solidarity with ANC the sister party to the ZANU PF.

In a statement Taurai Kandishaya said he is there to support the ANC which is a sister party to ZANU PF.

Political parties have been campaigning for at least three months and the parties were expecting to win support from the masses

The African National Congress (ANC) has been hitting the ground running while other parties like the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have been moving around to gain support.

The number of registered voters is 27.7 million voters who are voting today on the 29th of May 2024.

The youth are the deciding factor who are looking out for change. There has been a lot of challenges in South Africa which includes unemployment , loadshedding and the water crisis.

The three main political parties the ANC, DA and the EFF have moving about with their manifestos while campaigning for support.

The EFF is expecting to gain more votes in this election because it has gained more ground over the years.It celebrated 10 years anniversary last year and had a target of registering one million members in the EFF party.

There is tough battle between the DA and the EFF to gain support of the people.These are the two main opposition parties battling for support

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